Nevada Smiths 2008-2010

February 2008 Brann were facing Everton in the old UEFA-Cup, two matches were played, home and away, and both matches were shown at Nevada Smiths, a bar that was located on 3rd Avenue in Lower Manhattan. Nevada Smiths was a cathedral for soccer fans in New York City, known to be a place ‘Where Football is Religion’. Nevada Smiths was the first real soccer bar in New York City, hosting many of NYC’s big supporter clubs: FC Barcelona, Manchester United, West Ham, Paris Saint Germain, to mention a few.

And soon also SK Brann!

“Nevadas” became Brann.US’ first permanent club house in New York City thanks to Jack Keane, Director of Football at Nevada Smiths. After th Everton and before the start of the 2008 season Mr Keano invited us to join New York’s football family and make the bar into our permanent home and get a place to watch Brann play, which we gladly accepted. 100 years after SK Brann was founded we had a home in NYC!

2008: Brann’s 100 year anniversary shirt signed by Brann’s players was given to us as a gift from SK Brann and was hung on Nevada Smiths’ Wall of Fame, nicely placed between AC Milan and England.

Brann.US’ first home in NY: Nevada Smiths – where football was religion! Nevada Smiths is now history. The memories live on though, the good memories and the not so good.

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